
MBSStools was created by Tetra Tech, Inc. in 2017 to meet the needs of Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) staff to complete data manipulations in an efficient and reproducible manner.

It is envisioned that this library will be a living program and will add additional functions and routines in the future.

Many of the examples in this vignette are included in the example sections in the corresponding functions. Each function in the MBSStools library includes example data from MBSS.


The R library is saved on GitHub ( for ease of updating and distribution. Issues can be tracked, fixed, and code is available for download. Current users of MBSStools can update the library using the same code used to install the library (see below). Devtools is required to download from GitHub. At this time, there are no plans to submit MBSStools to CRAN (R’s library repository).


To contact the author directly email .


Several packages were used to build the functionality in MBSStools.

  1. FlowSum; no extra packages

  2. IonContrib; no extra packages

  3. MapTaxaObs; readxl and rgdal

  4. metric.scores; dplyr

  5. metric.values; dplyr

  6. PHIcalc; no extra packages

These packages should install automatically when MBSStools installs. But if you encounter issues with a function not working ensure that the necessary package dependencies are installed.

To install packages follow the example of the code below for installing dplyr.


There are several functions included in the library each with a particular focus on a dataset and the necessary calculations for data analysis.

  1. Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) calculations for fish and benthic macroinvertebrates.

  2. Taxonomic distribution maps for fish.

  3. Stream discharge calculation.

  4. Ion contribution to conductivity.

  5. Physical Habitat Index (PHI) calculation.

Example data are included with each function.


MBSStools calculates both the benthic macroinvertebrate IBI (BIBI) and fish IBI (FIBI). The IBIs are described in the document Southerland et al. 2005 that is included in the /extdata folder of the library.

There are two functions; metric.values() to calculate the metrics (e.g., total individuals or total taxa) and metric.scores() that converts the metric values to the appropriate score (e.g., 1, 3, or 5). The functions are the same for fish and benthic macroinvertebrates. Only the argument fun.Community needs to be changed to “bugs” or “fish”.

MBSStools does not aggregate or compile taxa lists. Taxa data with site/sample information, counts, phylogenetic (phylum, class, order, etc), and autecological (habit, tolerance value, and function feeding group) information is required as an input to the functions. Fish data needs the additional values of watershed (catchment) area (in acres), average stream width, and reach length.

A background table (metrics_scoring) is included and provides a table with the metric names and scoring thresholds for each IBI and index region. This table is populated with the appropriate values for the MBSS IBIs. This table can be modified.

The functions metric.values() and metric.scores() require the dplyr library.

IBI, Fish

Calculates the fish IBI.

The adjustment of metrics based on watershed area is automatic for fish metrics.

Fish metric values assumes the following fields (all upper case)

  • SITE = MBSS sample identifier.


  • ACREAGE = Catchment area in acres.

  • LEN_SAMP = Length of stream sampled; typically 75-meters.

  • AVWID = Average stream width (meters) for sampled site.

  • SPECIES = MBSS fish taxa name.

  • TOTAL = Number of sampled individuals corresponding to specified taxon.

  • TYPE = Fish group identifier (ALL CAPS); SCULPIN, DARTER, MADTOM, etc.

  • TROPHIC_MBSS = MBSS tropic status designations (ALL CAPS); OM, GE, IS, IV, etc.

  • PTOLR = Pollution tolerance level (ALL CAPS); T, I, NO TYPE.

** Sites with a single record indicating “No Fish Observed” receive a default score of 1.00.

# Metrics, Fish
#(generate values then scores)
myIndex <- "MBSS.2005.Fish"
# Thresholds
thresh <- metrics_scoring
# get metric names for myIndex
(myMetrics.Fish <- as.character(droplevels(unique(thresh[thresh[,"Index.Name"]==myIndex,"MetricName.Other"]))))
#>  [1] "ABUNSQM"   "NUMBENTSP" "PTOL"      "PGEOMIV"   "PROUND"    "PABDOM"   
#>  [7] "BIOM_MSQ"  "P_LITH"    "P_IS"      "PBROOK"    "PSCULP"
# Taxa Data
myDF.Fish <- taxa_fish
myMetric.Values.Fish <- metric.values(myDF.Fish, "fish", myMetrics.Fish, TRUE)
MBSS.2005.Fish _TEST COASTAL 10.0000 75 5.000 375.000 0 0.0000000 0.00000 0 0.000000 0.0000000 0 0 0 0.00000 0 0 0 0.00000 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0 1.69 -3.33 -1.6400000 0.0000000
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-432-S-1111 EPIEDMONT 273.0000 75 1.500 112.500 54 0.4800000 100.00000 160 1.422222 0.0000000 0 0 54 100.00000 0 0 0 0.00000 0 0 0 0 54 100.00000 0 1.25 -2.36 0.6852033 0.0000000
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-435-R-1111 EPIEDMONT 416.1001 75 3.500 262.500 539 2.0533333 71.24304 2957 11.264762 0.0000000 0 0 514 95.36178 0 0 155 28.75696 0 0 0 0 514 95.36178 0 1.25 -2.36 0.9139973 0.0000000
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-537-R-1111 EPIEDMONT 820.6357 75 2.025 151.875 104 0.6847737 60.57692 455 2.995885 0.0000000 0 0 100 96.15385 0 0 38 36.53846 0 0 0 0 90 86.53846 0 1.25 -2.36 1.2826880 0.0000000
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-546-R-1111 EPIEDMONT 1732.0084 75 3.425 256.875 139 0.5411192 40.28777 3078 11.982482 0.5923513 0 0 83 59.71223 0 0 76 54.67626 0 0 0 0 60 43.16547 1 1.25 -2.36 1.6881875 0.5923513
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-648-S-1111 EPIEDMONT 3805.0000 75 8.950 671.250 293 0.4364991 31.39932 5020 7.478585 0.4727142 0 0 201 68.60068 0 0 141 48.12287 0 0 0 0 138 47.09898 1 1.25 -2.36 2.1154433 0.4727142
Metrics.Fish.Scores <- metric.scores(myMetric.Values.Fish
                                     , myMetrics.Fish
                                     , "Index.Name"
                                     , "FIBISTRATA"
                                     , thresh)
#> One or more fish samples (n = 1) had zero organisms and was scored as a 1
#>                               (metrics and IBI).
# View Results
MBSS.2005.Fish _TEST COASTAL 10.0000 75 5.000 375.000 0 0.0000000 0.00000 0 0.000000 0.0000000 0 0 0 0.00000 0 0 0 0.00000 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0 1.69 -3.33 -1.6400000 0.0000000 COASTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1.000000
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-432-S-1111 EPIEDMONT 273.0000 75 1.500 112.500 54 0.4800000 100.00000 160 1.422222 0.0000000 0 0 54 100.00000 0 0 0 0.00000 0 0 0 0 54 100.00000 0 1.25 -2.36 0.6852033 0.0000000 EPIEDMONT 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 8 1.333333
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-435-R-1111 EPIEDMONT 416.1001 75 3.500 262.500 539 2.0533333 71.24304 2957 11.264762 0.0000000 0 0 514 95.36178 0 0 155 28.75696 0 0 0 0 514 95.36178 0 1.25 -2.36 0.9139973 0.0000000 EPIEDMONT 5 1 1 3 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 16 2.666667
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-537-R-1111 EPIEDMONT 820.6357 75 2.025 151.875 104 0.6847737 60.57692 455 2.995885 0.0000000 0 0 100 96.15385 0 0 38 36.53846 0 0 0 0 90 86.53846 0 1.25 -2.36 1.2826880 0.0000000 EPIEDMONT 3 1 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 12 2.000000
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-546-R-1111 EPIEDMONT 1732.0084 75 3.425 256.875 139 0.5411192 40.28777 3078 11.982482 0.5923513 0 0 83 59.71223 0 0 76 54.67626 0 0 0 0 60 43.16547 1 1.25 -2.36 1.6881875 0.5923513 EPIEDMONT 3 5 5 5 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 26 4.333333
MBSS.2005.Fish CHGX-648-S-1111 EPIEDMONT 3805.0000 75 8.950 671.250 293 0.4364991 31.39932 5020 7.478585 0.4727142 0 0 201 68.60068 0 0 141 48.12287 0 0 0 0 138 47.09898 1 1.25 -2.36 2.1154433 0.4727142 EPIEDMONT 3 5 3 5 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 22 3.666667
#Write results to csv file
#write.csv(Metrics.Fish.Scores, "Filename.csv")

IBI, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, MBSS

Bug metric values assumes the following fields (all upper case)

  • SITE = MBSS sample identifier.

  • TAXON = MBSS benthic macroinvertebrate name.

  • N_TAXA = Number of sampled individuals corresponding to specified taxon.

  • EXCLUDE = Non-unique taxa (i.e., parent taxon with one or more children taxa present in sample). “Y” = do not include in taxa richness metrics.

  • STRATA_R = Benthic macroinvertebrate region (COASTAL, EPIEDMONT, or HIGHLAND).

  • Phylogenetic fields:


  • Autoecological fields:



Valid values for HABIT: BU, CB, CN, SP, SW

Maryland Stream Waders (MSW) data should be first combined to family level and EXCLUDE recalculated.

Additional fields needed:

  • FAM_TV (need to include all the same fields, just leave blank).

In addition to the metric scores a QC check on samples with too many (>120) or too few (<60) organisms is returned in the results. Those with more than the maximum (120) should be subsampled down to within the target range.

# Metrics, Index, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, genus
# (generate values then scores)
myIndex <- "MBSS.2005.Bugs"
# Thresholds
thresh <- metrics_scoring
# get metric names for myIndex
(myMetrics.Bugs.MBSS <- as.character(droplevels(unique(thresh[thresh[,"Index.Name"]==myIndex,"MetricName.Other"]))))
#>  [1] "ntaxa"      "nept"       "nephem"     "pintol_urb" "pephem"    
#>  [6] "nscrape"    "pclimb"     "pchiron"    "pcling"     "ptany"     
#> [11] "pscrape"    "pswim"      "pdipt"
# Taxa Data
myDF.Bugs.MBSS <- taxa_bugs_genus
myMetric.Values.Bugs.MBSS <- metric.values(myDF.Bugs.MBSS, "bugs", myMetrics.Bugs.MBSS)
Metrics.Bugs.Scores.MBSS <- metric.scores(myMetric.Values.Bugs.MBSS, myMetrics.Bugs.MBSS, "INDEX.NAME", "STRATA_R", thresh)
#> One or more bug samples had < 60 (n = 0) or > 120 (n = 90) organisms.
#>                                  These samples should be further examined.
#Write results to csv file
#write.csv(Metrics.Bugs.Scores.MBSS, "Filename.csv")

# QC bug count
Metrics.Bugs.Scores.MBSS[Metrics.Bugs.Scores.MBSS[,"totind"]>120,"QC_Count"] <- "LARGE"
Metrics.Bugs.Scores.MBSS[Metrics.Bugs.Scores.MBSS[,"totind"]<60,"QC_Count"] <- "SMALL"
Metrics.Bugs.Scores.MBSS[[,"QC_Count"]),"QC_Count"] <- "OK"
# table of QC_Count
SITE STRATA_R INDEX.NAME totind ntaxa nept nephem totephem nscrape totclimb totchiron totcling tottany totscrape totswim totdipt totintol_urb pephem pclimb pchiron pcling ptany pscrape pswim pdipt pintol_urb ndipt nintol becks nintol_FAM Index.Name Index.Region SC_ntaxa SC_nept SC_nephem SC_pintol_urb SC_pephem SC_nscrape SC_pclimb SC_pchiron SC_pcling SC_ptany SC_pscrape SC_pswim SC_pdipt sum_IBI IBI QC_Count
CHGX-432-S-1111 EPIEDMONT MBSS.2005.Bugs 125 27 10 1 13 4 31 50 82 2 9 13 57 45 10.400000 24.800000 40.00000 65.60000 1.600000 7.200000 10.400000 45.60000 36.00000 11 10 18 6 MBSS.2005.Bugs EPIEDMONT 5 3 1 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 18 3.000000 LARGE
CHGX-435-R-1111 EPIEDMONT MBSS.2005.Bugs 119 17 2 0 0 1 9 81 39 2 3 0 85 0 0.000000 7.563025 68.06723 32.77311 1.680672 2.521008 0.000000 71.42857 0.00000 11 0 0 0 MBSS.2005.Bugs EPIEDMONT 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 10 1.666667 OK
CHGX-537-R-1111 EPIEDMONT MBSS.2005.Bugs 121 29 10 4 12 6 18 40 82 12 12 11 50 16 9.917355 14.876033 33.05785 67.76860 9.917355 9.917355 9.090909 41.32231 13.22314 11 8 14 5 MBSS.2005.Bugs EPIEDMONT 5 3 5 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 22 3.666667 LARGE
CHGX-546-R-1111 EPIEDMONT MBSS.2005.Bugs 129 27 8 2 23 4 22 28 97 0 11 23 37 14 17.829457 17.054264 21.70543 75.19380 0.000000 8.527132 17.829457 28.68217 10.85271 11 7 15 7 MBSS.2005.Bugs EPIEDMONT 5 3 3 1 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 22 3.666667 LARGE
CHGX-648-S-1111 EPIEDMONT MBSS.2005.Bugs 116 27 13 4 40 6 32 31 80 2 14 35 38 26 34.482759 27.586207 26.72414 68.96552 1.724138 12.068965 30.172414 32.75862 22.41379 10 12 20 8 MBSS.2005.Bugs EPIEDMONT 5 5 5 3 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 24 4.000000 OK
EBUX-435-S-1111 EPIEDMONT MBSS.2005.Bugs 137 37 15 5 40 5 15 34 98 12 13 39 46 78 29.197080 10.948905 24.81752 71.53285 8.759124 9.489051 28.467153 33.57664 56.93431 16 19 38 10 MBSS.2005.Bugs EPIEDMONT 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 26 4.333333 LARGE

IBI, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, MSW

The Maryland Stream Wader index is from Stribling et al. 1999. Metric values and scores shown below for example data.

  • SITE = Sample identifier.

  • TAXON = MSW benthic macroinvertebrate name (Family-level identification).

  • N_TAXA = Number of taxon collected in sample.

  • EXCLUDE = Non-unique taxa (i.e., parent taxon with one or more children taxa present in sample).

  • “Y” = do not include in taxa richness metrics.

  • STRATA_R =This index has only two bioregions (CP=Coastal Plain, NCP=Non-Coastal Plain).

  • Phylogenetic fields:


  • Autoecological field:

  • FAM_TV

# Metrics, MSW Index, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, family
myIndex <- "MSW.1999.Bugs"
# Thresholds
thresh <- metrics_scoring
# get metric names for myIndex
(myMetrics.Bugs.MSW <- as.character(droplevels(unique(thresh[thresh[,"Index.Name"]==myIndex,"MetricName.Other"]))))
#> [1] "ntaxa"      "nept"       "nephem"     "ndipt"      "pephem"    
#> [6] "nintol_FAM" "becks"
# Taxa Data
myDF.Bugs.MSW <- taxa_bugs_family
myMetric.Values.Bugs.MSW <- metric.values(myDF.Bugs.MSW, "bugs", myMetrics.Bugs.MSW)
SITE STRATA_R INDEX.NAME totind ntaxa nept nephem totephem nscrape totclimb totchiron totcling tottany totscrape totswim totdipt totintol_urb pephem pclimb pchiron pcling ptany pscrape pswim pdipt pintol_urb ndipt nintol becks nintol_FAM
CHGX-432-S-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 125 16 7 1 13 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 57 0 10.400000 0 40.00000 0 0 0 0 45.60000 0 3 1 3 5
CHGX-435-R-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 119 7 1 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 85 0 0.000000 0 68.06723 0 0 0 0 71.42857 0 3 1 3 0
CHGX-537-R-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 121 18 8 3 12 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 50 0 9.917355 0 33.05785 0 0 0 0 41.32231 0 3 1 3 5
CHGX-546-R-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 129 17 6 2 23 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 37 0 17.829457 0 21.70543 0 0 0 0 28.68217 0 4 1 3 6
CHGX-648-S-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 116 18 11 4 40 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 38 0 34.482759 0 26.72414 0 0 0 0 32.75862 0 3 1 3 8
EBUX-435-S-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 137 19 10 3 40 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 46 0 29.197080 0 24.81752 0 0 0 0 33.57664 0 4 1 3 9
Metrics.Bugs.Scores.MSW <- metric.scores(myMetric.Values.Bugs.MSW, myMetrics.Bugs.MSW, "INDEX.NAME", "STRATA_R", thresh)
#> One or more bug samples had < 60 (n = 0) or > 120 (n = 102) organisms.
#>                                  These samples should be further examined.
# View Results
SITE STRATA_R INDEX.NAME totind ntaxa nept nephem totephem nscrape totclimb totchiron totcling tottany totscrape totswim totdipt totintol_urb pephem pclimb pchiron pcling ptany pscrape pswim pdipt pintol_urb ndipt nintol becks nintol_FAM Index.Name Index.Region SC_ntaxa SC_nept SC_nephem SC_ndipt SC_pephem SC_nintol_FAM SC_becks sum_IBI IBI
CHGX-432-S-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 125 16 7 1 13 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 57 0 10.400000 0 40.00000 0 0 0 0 45.60000 0 3 1 3 5 MSW.1999.Bugs NCP 5 3 1 5 3 3 1 21 3.000000
CHGX-435-R-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 119 7 1 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 85 0 0.000000 0 68.06723 0 0 0 0 71.42857 0 3 1 3 0 MSW.1999.Bugs NCP 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 11 1.571429
CHGX-537-R-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 121 18 8 3 12 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 50 0 9.917355 0 33.05785 0 0 0 0 41.32231 0 3 1 3 5 MSW.1999.Bugs NCP 5 3 5 5 3 3 1 25 3.571429
CHGX-546-R-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 129 17 6 2 23 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 37 0 17.829457 0 21.70543 0 0 0 0 28.68217 0 4 1 3 6 MSW.1999.Bugs NCP 5 3 3 5 3 3 1 23 3.285714
CHGX-648-S-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 116 18 11 4 40 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 38 0 34.482759 0 26.72414 0 0 0 0 32.75862 0 3 1 3 8 MSW.1999.Bugs NCP 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 31 4.428571
EBUX-435-S-1111 NCP MSW.1999.Bugs 137 19 10 3 40 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 46 0 29.197080 0 24.81752 0 0 0 0 33.57664 0 4 1 3 9 MSW.1999.Bugs NCP 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 31 4.428571

Fish Distribution Maps

The intent of this function is to recreate the taxa distribution maps on the MBSS website: The maps for all taxa can be generated from a single line of code. The maps generated with this function use a ‘crosswalk’ table that converts taxa names to map names.

The function MapTaxaObs() requires the readxl and rgdal packages.

Data inputs

The user will need GIS files for the state of Maryland for State, County, and Water.

The inputs for this function, besides the three GIS shapefiles, are taxa observations and a taxa name crosswalk (translation) table between taxa names and map names.

All inputs are included in the MBSStools library and can be copied to the current directory with the code below.

# Set Working Directory
wd <- getwd()
# Create Example Data if Needed
## Create Directories
myDir.create <- file.path(wd,"Data")
ifelse(dir.exists(myDir.create)==FALSE,dir.create(myDir.create),"Directory already exists")
myDir.create <- file.path(wd,"GIS")
ifelse(dir.exists(myDir.create)==FALSE,dir.create(myDir.create),"Directory already exists")
myDir.create <- file.path(wd,"Maps")
ifelse(dir.exists(myDir.create)==FALSE,dir.create(myDir.create),"Directory already exists")
## Create Data
### Taxa Data
myFiles <- c("AllFish_95to16.xls", "TaxaMapsCrossWalk20170731.xlsx")
### GIS

Example Input Data

Observation data with three columns needed for the tool to work (common name, latitude, and longitude). Additional columns can be appended (e.g., SiteYr) and will not affect the functionality.

#>             CommonName Latitude83 Longitude83
#> 1    eastern mudminnow     39.055   -76.73417
#> 2           creek chub     39.055   -76.73417
#> 3      channel catfish     39.055   -76.73417
#> 4        glassy darter     39.055   -76.73417
#> 5 eastern mosquitofish     39.055   -76.73417
#> 6        golden shiner     39.055   -76.73417

Crosswalk data with common name and map name.

#>         CommonName  MapName
#> 1          alewife  alewife
#> 2     american eel  amereel
#> 3    american shad amershad
#> 4    banded darter bandartr
#> 5 banded killifish bankilli
#> 6    black crappie blkcrapi

Map Creation

The code below can be used to generate the maps (n=131) associated with the 1995 to 2016 data. Any taxa without a match in the crosswalk table (n=54) are listed in a CSV file and the number reported to the user in the R console, but maps are not generated (by default). If the user wants all maps then the parameter ‘onlymatches’ should be set to ‘FALSE’ (as in the example below).

# Set Working Directory
wd <- getwd()

# Inputs
Obs <- "AllFish_95to16.xls"
XWalk <- "TaxaMapsCrossWalk20170731.xlsx"
wd <- getwd()

# Create maps
MapTaxaObs(Obs, XWalk, wd, onlymatches = FALSE)

The intent behind this function was to recreate the fish taxa distribution maps. But the data inputs are not specific to fish and can be used for benthic macroinvertebrate data.

The taxa distribution map for brown trout is shown below.

#> Loading required package: sp
#> Please note that rgdal will be retired by the end of 2023,
#> plan transition to sf/stars/terra functions using GDAL and PROJ
#> at your earliest convenience.
#> rgdal: version: 1.5-28, (SVN revision 1158)
#> Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
#> Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 3.2.1, released 2020/12/29
#> Path to GDAL shared files: /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/rgdal/gdal
#> GDAL binary built with GEOS: TRUE 
#> Loaded PROJ runtime: Rel. 7.2.1, January 1st, 2021, [PJ_VERSION: 721]
#> Path to PROJ shared files: /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/rgdal/proj
#> PROJ CDN enabled: FALSE
#> Linking to sp version:1.4-6
#> To mute warnings of possible GDAL/OSR exportToProj4() degradation,
#> use options("rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings"="none") before loading sp or rgdal.
#> Overwritten PROJ_LIB was /Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/rgdal/proj
#> Linking to GEOS 3.8.1, GDAL 3.2.1, PROJ 7.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

Stream Discharge

Calculate stream discharge based on field measurements. Side channels that are properly identified in the data will be included.

The function FlowSum() requires no additional packages.

# data
MBSS.flow <- MBSS.flow
# calculate flow
flow.cell <- FlowSum(MBSS.flow, returnType="cell")
flow.sample <- FlowSum(MBSS.flow)
# examine data
# Example Save file (tab delimited text file)
datetime <- format(Sys.time(),"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
myYear <- "15"

Ion Matrix

The IonContrib() function calculates conductivity contribution from provided ion concentrations using Kohlrausch’s Law. If a total conductivity measurement is not provided, the total conductivity is calculated as the sum of all ions present in the data. If the user provides a conductivity measurement, then ion contributions are a percentage of that number. In the latter case, “Other” is added as an ion to capture any percentage of total conductivity not represented by the provided ions. Plotting is done outside of this function.

Data will need to be in “wide” format. That is, a single record for each sample and the ions to be analyzed in columns.

A reference table of ions and their equivalent ionic conductance at infinite dilution is provided with the function as “MBSS.Ion.Ref”. The function allows for input of a user supplied data frame if this table needs updating with more ions.

The function IonContrib() requires no additional packages.

Name Ion Symbol Molecular Weight (g/mole) Valance Equivalent Ionic conductance at infinite dilution (µS/cm) Multiplier SortOrder
Calcium (mg/L) Calcium Ca2+ 40.07800 2 59.47 2.9677130 1
Magnesium (mg/L) Magnesium Mg2+ 24.30500 2 53.00 4.3612425 2
Sodium (mg/L) Sodium Na+ 22.98977 1 50.08 2.1783604 3
Potassium (mg/L) Potassium K+ 39.09830 1 73.48 1.8793656 4
Bicarbonate (mg/L) Bicarbonate HCO3- 61.01714 1 44.50 0.7293033 5
Sulfate (mg/L) Sulfate SO42- 96.06360 2 80.00 1.6655632 6
Chloride (mg/L) Chloride Cl- 35.45270 1 76.31 2.1524454 7
Iron (II) (mg/L) Iron (II) Fe2+ 55.84700 2 54.00 1.9338550 8
Iron (III) (mg/L) Iron (III) Fe3+ 55.84700 3 68.00 3.6528372 9
Bromide (mg/L) Bromide Br- 79.90400 1 78.10 0.9774229 10
Strontium (mg/L) Strontium Sr2+ 87.62000 2 59.40 1.3558548 11
Nitrate-N (mg/L) Nitrate-N NO3- 14.00674 1 71.42 5.0989738 12
Barium (mg/L) Barium Ba2+ 137.32700 2 63.60 0.9262563 13

The columns for the ions need to match the reference table names. The function IonContrib() includes a reference table that is used by default but the user can supply their own reference table.

Site Stream Name SHA Road Crossing Ion Matrix Date Collected Time Collected Chloride (mg/L) Bromide (mg/L) Nitrate-N (mg/L) Sulfate (mg/L) Sodium (mg/L) Potassium (mg/L) Magnesium (mg/L) Calcium (mg/L)
BELK-101-X Gramies Run MD 273 (Telegraph Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-14 1899-12-30 10:48:00 40.9854 0.0255 0.6209 11.2139 19.36 1.897 8.153 12.11
BELK-102-X Gramies Run MD 273 (Telegraph Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-14 1899-12-30 10:59:00 36.2214 0.0244 0.5236 13.5295 16.08 2.103 9.403 14.09
BELK-301-X Big Elk Creek MD 273 (Telegraph Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-14 1899-12-30 09:15:00 31.3782 0.0276 4.8693 13.5987 14.06 3.166 6.906 15.73
BELK-302-X Big Elk Creek MD 273 (Telegraph Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-14 1899-12-30 09:19:00 30.4018 0.0280 4.5474 13.7224 14.01 3.049 6.583 15.92
BRIG-301-X Patuxent River MD 94 (Woodbine Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-13 1899-12-30 14:53:00 37.2093 0.0232 3.0927 4.2891 19.02 2.020 5.977 10.99
BRIG-302-X Patuxent River MD 94 (Woodbine Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-13 1899-12-30 15:02:00 37.6789 0.0215 3.0869 4.2854 18.62 2.035 5.958 11.00

Example code is below. The user would then save the output (e.g., write.csv()).

# Load Data
# MBSS.Ion.Data = example dataset
data.ion <- MBSS.Ion.Data
# Load Reference Table
ref.ion <- MBSS.Ion.Ref
# Calculate Percent Contribution by Ion (data table only)
contrib.ion <- IonContrib(data.ion)

No conductivity values provided.

    Ion contributions calculated from the sum of calculated ion conductivity
Site Stream Name SHA Road Crossing Ion Matrix Date Collected Time Collected Chloride (mg/L) Bromide (mg/L) Nitrate-N (mg/L) Sulfate (mg/L) Sodium (mg/L) Potassium (mg/L) Magnesium (mg/L) Calcium (mg/L) Mult.Calcium (mg/L) Mult.Magnesium (mg/L) Mult.Sodium (mg/L) Mult.Potassium (mg/L) Mult.Sulfate (mg/L) Mult.Chloride (mg/L) Mult.Bromide (mg/L) Mult.Nitrate-N (mg/L) Cond.Calcium (mg/L) Cond.Magnesium (mg/L) Cond.Sodium (mg/L) Cond.Potassium (mg/L) Cond.Sulfate (mg/L) Cond.Chloride (mg/L) Cond.Bromide (mg/L) Cond.Nitrate-N (mg/L) Cond.SubTotal Cond.Total Cond.Other (mg/L) PctContrib.Calcium (mg/L) PctContrib.Magnesium (mg/L) PctContrib.Sodium (mg/L) PctContrib.Potassium (mg/L) PctContrib.Sulfate (mg/L) PctContrib.Chloride (mg/L) PctContrib.Bromide (mg/L) PctContrib.Nitrate-N (mg/L) PctContrib.Other (mg/L) QC.PctContrib
BELK-101-X Gramies Run MD 273 (Telegraph Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-14 1899-12-30 10:48:00 40.9854 0.0255 0.6209 11.2139 19.36 1.897 8.153 12.11 2.967713 4.3612425 2.1783604 1.8793656 1.6655632 2.1524454 0.9774229 5.098974 35.93900 35.557210 42.17306 3.565157 18.67746 88.21883 0.0249243 3.165953 227.3216 227.3216 0 0.1580976 0.1564181 0.1855216 0.0156833 0.0821632 0.3880794 0.0001096 0.0139272 0 1
BELK-102-X Gramies Run MD 273 (Telegraph Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-14 1899-12-30 10:59:00 36.2214 0.0244 0.5236 13.5295 16.08 2.103 9.403 14.09 4.361243 2.1783604 1.8793656 1.6655632 2.1524454 0.9774229 5.0989738 2.967713 61.44991 20.483123 30.22020 3.502680 29.12151 35.40363 0.1244150 1.553894 181.8594 181.8594 0 0.3378980 0.1126317 0.1661735 0.0192604 0.1601320 0.1946759 0.0006841 0.0085445 0 1
BELK-301-X Big Elk Creek MD 273 (Telegraph Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-14 1899-12-30 09:15:00 31.3782 0.0276 4.8693 13.5987 14.06 3.166 6.906 15.73 2.178360 1.8793656 1.6655632 2.1524454 0.9774229 5.0989738 2.9677130 4.361243 34.26561 12.978899 23.41782 6.814642 13.29168 159.99662 0.0819089 21.236198 272.0834 272.0834 0 0.1259379 0.0477019 0.0860685 0.0250462 0.0488515 0.5880426 0.0003010 0.0780503 0 1
BELK-302-X Big Elk Creek MD 273 (Telegraph Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-14 1899-12-30 09:19:00 30.4018 0.0280 4.5474 13.7224 14.01 3.049 6.583 15.92 1.879366 1.6655632 2.1524454 0.9774229 5.0989738 2.9677130 4.3612425 2.178360 29.91950 10.964403 30.15576 2.980162 69.97016 90.22382 0.1221148 9.905876 244.2418 244.2418 0 0.1224995 0.0448916 0.1234668 0.0122017 0.2864791 0.3694037 0.0005000 0.0405577 0 1
BRIG-301-X Patuxent River MD 94 (Woodbine Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-13 1899-12-30 14:53:00 37.2093 0.0232 3.0927 4.2891 19.02 2.020 5.977 10.99 1.665563 2.1524454 0.9774229 5.0989738 2.9677130 4.3612425 2.1783604 1.879366 18.30454 12.865166 18.59058 10.299927 12.72882 162.27878 0.0505380 5.812314 240.9307 240.9307 0 0.0759743 0.0533978 0.0771615 0.0427506 0.0528319 0.6735497 0.0002098 0.0241244 0 1
BRIG-302-X Patuxent River MD 94 (Woodbine Rd.) Pre-Application Baseline 2016-12-13 1899-12-30 15:02:00 37.6789 0.0215 3.0869 4.2854 18.62 2.035 5.958 11.00 2.152445 0.9774229 5.0989738 2.9677130 4.3612425 2.1783604 1.8793656 1.665563 23.67690 5.823486 94.94289 6.039296 18.68967 82.07822 0.0404064 5.141427 236.4323 236.4323 0 0.1001424 0.0246307 0.4015648 0.0255434 0.0790487 0.3471532 0.0001709 0.0217459 0 1

Dot charts are a good way to display the data. But any chart of the user’s preference can be used.

# Load Data
data.ion <- MBSS.Ion.Data
# Load Reference Table
ref.ion <- MBSS.Ion.Ref
# Calculate Percent Contribution by Ion (data table only)
contrib.ion <- IonContrib(data.ion)
# Calculate Percent Contribution by Ion (data table and reference table)
contrib.ion.2 <- IonContrib(data.ion, ref.ion)
# Calculate Percent Contribution by Ion (data table, reference table, and conductivity values)
# ## add dummy conductivity values for each sample
myCond <- "Cond"
data.ion[,myCond] <- 4000
contrib.ion.3 <- IonContrib(data.ion, ref.ion, myCond)
# Save Results (use write.table())
# Plot Results
myIons <- c("Chloride (mg/L)", "Bromide (mg/L)", "Nitrate-N (mg/L)", "Sulfate (mg/L)", "Sodium (mg/L)",
     "Potassium (mg/L)", "Magnesium (mg/L)",  "Calcium (mg/L)" )
myIons.Contrib <- paste0("PctContrib.",myIons)
mySite <- "BELK-101-X"
data.plot <- subset(contrib.ion, contrib.ion[,"Site"]==mySite, select=c("Site","Cond.Total",myIons.Contrib,myIons))
## Plot, one site (with cond value)
dotchart(as.numeric(as.vector(data.plot[,myIons.Contrib])), labels=myIons, main=mySite, xlab="Percent Contribution", pch=19, pt.cex=1.2)
mtext(paste0("Conductivity (uS/cm) = ",round(data.plot[,"Cond.Total"],1)))
## Plot all sites using panel.dotplot() in the lattice package
## Plot as a horizontal bar plot
# need to change margins to fit labels
barplot(as.numeric(as.vector(data.plot[,myIons.Contrib])), names.arg=myIons, main=mySite, xlab="Percent Contribution"
       , axes=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, las=1)
mtext(paste0("Conductivity (uS/cm) = ",round(data.plot[,"Cond.Total"],1)))


The PHIcalc() function calculates the MBSS Physical Habitat Index (PHI), Paul et al. 2003. The report is included in the /extdata folder of the library.

There are two versions of the calculation based on pre- and post-2000. The function determines the correct calculation based on the data provided.

The input is a data frame with column names matching the variables collected in the field along with SampleID, bioregion, and area (acres).

The function PHIcalc() requires no additional packages.

StationID SampleID CollDate Strata PHICalcYear Area_acres Remote_020 Shading_0100 EpiSub_020 BankStab_020 AvgRipWid_m50max InStrmHab_020 InstrmWood_Num RiffQual_020 Embedd_0100 Erosn_ExtR_075 Erosn_ExtL_075 Erosn_SevR_03 Erosn_SevL_03 RoadDist_m
AL-A-007-304-96 NA NA Highland 1994 8009.00 2 80 7 12 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
AL-A-020-228-95 NA NA Highland 1994 1335.26 17 90 1 5 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
AL-A-027-205-95 NA NA Highland 1994 2185.65 20 93 11 16 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
AL-A-027-209-95 NA NA Highland 1994 2428.11 19 97 11 15 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
AL-A-033-314-95 NA NA Highland 1994 9142.73 6 60 17 6 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
AL-A-054-320-96 NA NA Highland 1994 38907.00 1 60 5 16 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

The function returns a dataframe of results that need to be saved (e.g., write.table()). The result table from the example data is shown below.

# data
# MBSS.PHI = example dataset
myData <- MBSS.PHI
# calculate PHI
PHI <- PHIcalc(myData)
StationID SampleID CollDate Strata PHICalcYear Area_acres Remote_020 Shading_0100 EpiSub_020 BankStab_020 AvgRipWid_m50max InStrmHab_020 InstrmWood_Num RiffQual_020 Embedd_0100 Erosn_ExtR_075 Erosn_ExtL_075 Erosn_SevR_03 Erosn_SevL_03 RoadDist_m Erosn_SevR_02 Erosn_SevL_02 BANKSTAB1994 BANKSTAB2000 REMOTE1994 REMOTE2000 REMOTE SHADING EPI BANKSTAB RIPWID INSTRHAB WOOD RIFFQUAL EMBEDD PHI.denom PHI.sum PHI
AL-A-007-304-96 NA NA HIGHLAND 1994 8009.00 2 80 7 12 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.7097067 NA 0.10 NA 10 75.24754 38.888889 70.97067 100 NA NA NA NA 5 295.1071 59.02142
AL-A-020-228-95 NA NA HIGHLAND 1994 1335.26 17 90 1 5 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.3560104 NA 0.85 NA 85 87.36514 5.555556 35.60104 100 NA NA NA NA 5 313.5217 62.70435
AL-A-027-205-95 NA NA HIGHLAND 1994 2185.65 20 93 11 16 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.8640553 NA 1.00 NA 100 91.97549 61.111111 86.40553 100 NA NA NA NA 5 439.4921 87.89843
AL-A-027-209-95 NA NA HIGHLAND 1994 2428.11 19 97 11 15 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.8274722 NA 0.95 NA 95 99.97552 61.111111 82.74722 100 NA NA NA NA 5 438.8338 87.76677
AL-A-033-314-95 NA NA HIGHLAND 1994 9142.73 6 60 17 6 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.4174798 NA 0.30 NA 30 56.36867 94.444444 41.74798 100 NA NA NA NA 5 322.5611 64.51222
AL-A-054-320-96 NA NA HIGHLAND 1994 38907.00 1 60 5 16 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.8640553 NA 0.05 NA 5 56.36867 27.777778 86.40553 0 NA NA NA NA 5 175.5520 35.11040


Included in the package is an example Shiny package to calculate the three IBI’s for MBSS. The the function runShiny() requires the “shinyjs” package.