Release - 2023-02-10

  • fix: Use na.omit for tdox calculation in Shiny, Issue #24
    • Shiny would crash with too many mismatched DO and temperature measurements

Release - 2022-11-14

  • fix: Update handling of data to allow schmidt data and plot function to work

Release - 2022-11-14

  • refactor: Shiny heatmap display not working with all files as plotly
    • Change to static ggmap object

Release - 2022-11-14

  • fix: Update shiny display plots to work with non-standard dates

Release - 2022-11-11

  • fix: Update rLakeAnalyzer portion of Shiny app

Release - 2022-11-04

  • feat: Add function to aid in transforming date time fields
    • fun.DateTimeFormat
    • Update Vignette to show its use
    • Update Shiny app to use the new function on imported data

Release - 2022-10-21

  • fix: typo in plot_heatmap updates
  • refactor: Change shiny to use rLA style heat map.

Release - 2022-10-21

  • refactor: Change heatmap
    • contours to FALSE
    • colors to rLakeAnalyzer colors

Release - 2021-09-30

  • refactor: Update Shiny calculate sidebar “No Date” to “No Depth”
  • refactor: Update Shiny calculate sidebar to remove WSPD from label

Release - 2021-08-24

  • fix: Update tdox() from lm to glm for calculation

Release - 2021-08-23

  • fix: Update tdox() to use input value for DO instead of 3
  • refactor: Update tdox() example for tdox_4

Release - 2021-08-05

  • fix: Update stratification() plot for julian day
    • %j starts with 1 so subtract 1 to keep Jan 1 as day 1 with origin date of “2004-01-01”.
  • refactor: Update stratification() plot with range of data, Issue #22
  • refactor: Update stratification() plot with theme_bw() to match other plots

Release - 2021-08-02

  • docs: Bump to version 1.0 for release

Release - 2021-08-02

  • fix: Update Shiny app folder for aggregate function
    • Needed the same fix as Calculation files

Release - 2021-08-02

  • fix: Update Shiny app order of operations for import/upload of files
    • Code was removing the Results/data-input folder and not recreating it
  • refactor: Change default oxythermal temp from 30 to 20 in Shiny app

Release - 2021-07-29

  • refactor: Update Shiny Server.R
    • Rework directory exists code, make consistent
    • Update sink message for area file
    • Update file name for oxythermal plot output
    • Move DO plots inside of DO if statement with oxythermal and TDOx
    • Add error condition for oxythermal plot when no data to plot
      • For when have units (F) different than default threshold (30 C)
    • Change TDOx file output name
    • Update plots for measurement 2
      • heat map 2
      • depth profile 2

Release - 2021-07-29

  • refactor: Update Shiny rLA plot names to be consistent.
    • Use plot_rLA_x.png

Release - 2021-07-29

  • refactor: Update Shiny rLA plot names to be consistent.
    • Use plot_rLA_x.png

Release - 2021-07-28

  • refactor: Change default temp operator in plot_oxythermal
    • Update help text and function defaults to match example
  • refactor: Update Shiny app
    • Calculation
      • Add Stratification method pull down
      • Add oxythermal inputs (temp and do)
      • Add TDOx value input
  • function: Add Shiny app function to calculate stratification with different methods based on user input
  • docs: Add tidyr package to DESCRIPTION

Release - 2021-07-26

  • docs: Update vignette examples

Release - 2021-07-26

  • docs: Rename vignette
  • docs: Add plotting example for TDO3 to vignette, Issue #21

Release - 2021-07-16

  • fix: Stratification, update column reference. Undo change in v0.1.1.9007
  • feature: Add TDOx function, Issue #21

Release - 2021-07-16

  • refactor: Stratification, update a hard coded column reference
  • refactor: Stratification, update code to allow for only 2 depths, Issue #20

Release - 2021-07-16

  • fix: Change Results folder reference in global to drop “.”
    • Fails in Linux with the “.” in file.path

Release - 2021-07-16

  • fix: Revert Shiny app to v0.1.1 and redo changes
    • Shiny app Help as HTML conflicts with file upload. Redesign as non-HTML
    • Remove semicolon as available delimiter for import files
    • Shiny Calculate tab labels ‘measurement’ to ‘value’
    • Ensure all uploaded data files going to Results/data_input
    • Add tooltips to tab_Calc
    • Add ShinyBS to global.R
  • feat: Add missing function fun.write.log() to fun.Helper.R
  • refactor: Rename log files with prefix “log
  • refactor: Use global “path_results” in server.R
  • docs: Update Vignette with plot_oxythermal() function
  • docs: Update oxythermal plots in function help and vignette
    • example to use <= 68 rather than >= 68
    • Combination plot; oxythermal, heat map temp, heat map DO

Release - 2021-07-13

  • fix: Unwind some changes to Shiny app. App won’t allow for upload of files
    • Combine files tab is now working.
  • fix: AggregateFiles() to agg_depth_files() in server.R
  • fix: Shiny, in Aggregate section replace “import” folder with “Results/data_input” folder

Release - 2021-07-13

  • refactor: Shiny app update.
  • docs: Update README with example to run Shiny app.

Release - 2021-07-09

  • refactor: Shiny import remove semicolon as available delimiter
  • docs: Add packages used in Shiny app to DESCRIPTION
  • feature: Add tooltips to some inputs in Shiny app with shinyBS package
  • docs: Add shinyBS to DESCRIPTION
  • feature: Add plot_oxythermal function, Issue #18

Released - 2021-06-08

  • refactor: Organize Results folder, Issue #14
  • refactor: Drop import files in new format
  • docs: Add ggplot versions of plots to Vignette for rLakeAnalyzer examples

Released - 2021-06-04

  • release: Update version for interim release

Released - 2021-06-04

  • feature: Shiny, add third file
    • Import
    • Display
    • Plot, screen
    • Plot, calculate
  • refactor: Add new daily depth mean file with temp and DO from example lake

Released - 2021-06-03

  • refactor: Add gridExtra package to Shiny global.R and DESCRIPTION
  • refactor: Add wind speed data to laketest dataset
  • feature: Add plot_ts function for generic plotting by date (and not depth)
  • feature: Add data testlake_wind

Released - 2021-06-03

  • refactor: Add example to plot_depth showing horizontal line
  • feature: Remove minimum values outputs for startification()
  • refactor: Add units as input for stratification(), Issue #1

Released - 2021-06-02

  • refactor: Rename AggregateFiles to agg_depth_files
  • refactor: Add sections to Vignettee for LakeMonitoR functions
  • feature: Add minimum value outputs to stratification()
  • refactor: Add minimum value to stratification plot

Released - 2021-05-25

  • refactor: Update Shiny app code to avoid error when upload to
    • Blank directories don’t upload.
      • Wrote code to ensure directories exist prior to using them.

Released - 2021-05-24

  • feature: Add ability to combine files to the Shiny app
  • refactor: Add source column to AggregateDepthData function output

Released - 2021-05-21

  • feature: Add function to combine depth data files, Issue #13
    • AggregateDepthData
    • Tweaked port of AggregateFile function from ContDataQC package
  • docs: Update README to use remotes instead of devtools
  • feature: Add internal function fun.Msg.Status for constructing user feedback
    • Port of same function from ContDataQC package
  • feature: Example data files for use with AggregateDepthData function
    • Included in extdata as CSV files

Released - 2021-05-03

  • refactor: lake_summary_stats
    • Fix JulianDay stats. Conversion of TimeFrame_Value to character caused errors.

Released - 2021-04-27

  • refactor: lake_summary_stats
    • Fix calculation and grouping for output
  • refactor: Remove RussWood_FixedID.csv from extdata folder
    • 66.9 MB
  • style: Trim lines to 80 characters
    • stratification.R
  • docs: Add to DESCRIPTION
    • URL
    • BugReports

Released - 2021-04-16

  • refactor: stratification
    • change default min_days from 20 to 1
    • add global variable bindings
  • tests: Update plot_depth test for name change
  • refactor: Add global variable bindings
    • stratification
    • daily_depth_means
    • lake_summary_stats

Released - 2021-04-07

  • refactor: Shiny, “min DO” to “min measurement”
  • refactor: Shiny, Stratification, default from 20 to 1
  • refactor: Shiny, plot_depth stratification, lines to polygon

Released - 2021-04-02

  • style: Fix spelling, devtools::spell_check()
    • NEWS
    • stratification.R
    • data.R
  • style: Fix items from goodpractice::gp()
    • Trim lines to 80 characters
      • plot_heatmap.R
      • lake_summary_stats.R
      • tab_Calc.R
      • tab_Help.R
      • tab_Import.R
      • server.R
    • Replace ‘=’ with ‘<-’
      • stratification.R

Released - 2021-03-17

  • refactor: lake_summary_stats, add missing %>% in stats function, Issue #12

Released - 2021-03-17

  • refactor: Remove lake_summary_stats from Shiny app
  • refactor: Shiny, add plot_heatmap
  • refactor: Shiny, rename rLakeAnalyzer heat map
  • refactor: stratification, add events plot to output list, Issue #7
  • refactor: Shiny, add stratification plot to calculation
  • refactor: Shiny, add stratification lines to depth profile plot in calculation

Released - 2021-03-16

  • refactor: Update version number in shiny UI

Released - 2021-03-16

  • refactor: Update maps in Shiny to use ggplotly dynamicTicks = TRUE
  • refactor: Update heatmap in Shiny
  • refactor!: Rename depth_plot to plot_depth
  • feature: Add plot_heatmap, Issues #6 and #10
  • refactor: Update Shiny server with revised plot function names

Released - 2021-03-05

  • feature: Add lake_summary_stats
  • refactor: Add dplyer to DESCRIPTION Imports

Released - 2021-02-25

  • docs: DESCRIPTION, remove ContDataQC, too many dependencies

Released - 2021-02-25

  • docs: DESCRIPTION, ContDataQC package, add remote rather then removing from Imports

Released - 2021-02-25

  • docs: DESCRIPTION, remove ContDataQC package, causes build failure

Released - 2021-02-25

  • docs: Updated README for example install code
  • refactor: Update stratification() to handle data that is 100% stratified , Issue #9
  • refactor: Update stratification() to handle data that is 0% stratified , Issue #9
  • docs: DESCRIPTION, add ContDataQC package for date helper function

Released - 2021-02-01

  • refactor: Update temporary settings to inputs for depth_plot()
  • feature: Add scatterplot depth profile and heatmap (Issues #6) for Shiny input

Released - 2021-01-28

  • refactor: Update stop message for depth_plot() column QC

Released - 2021-01-28

  • refactor: Add internal QC for column headers for depth_plot(), Issue #5
  • tests: Add test for depth_plot() ggplot object, Issue #5
  • refactor: Add data-raw to create qc object for depth_plot() test, Issue #5
  • docs: Example file for depth_plot() saved as RDA forced DEPENDS on R >= 3.5.0

Released - 2021-01-28

  • feature: Add depth_plot function to return a depth profile plot, Issue #5
  • feature: Add laketest data for use with depth_plot()

Released - 2021-01-19

  • docs: Update codecov badge in README

Released - 2021-01-19

  • refactor: Remove unneeded concatenation of a constant
    • export_rLakeAnalyzer
  • refactor: Replace 1:foo(bar) with seq_len(foo(bar))
    • stratification

Released - 2021-01-19

  • refactor: Remove docs folder
    • Using GitHub Action to build pkgdown site

Released - 2021-01-19

  • style: Remove blank lines at end of script
    • daily_depth_means
    • data
    • export_rLakeAnalyzer
    • LakeMonitoR
    • runShiny
    • stratification
  • style: Trim lines to 80 characters
    • runShiny
    • daily_depth_means
    • data
    • export_rLakeAnalyzer
    • stratification
  • refactor: Add items to .Rbuildignore and .gitignore
    • _other folder
    • NEWS.rmd
    • Switch setting to use gh-pages branch
  • tests: Add two tests for stratification (dates and events)
  • tests: Add test for export_rLakeAnalyzer
  • docs: Add all extra export_rLakeAnalyzer examples to dontrun
    • Comment out failing schmidt.plot()
  • refactor: Add missing parameters to function call
    • dir_export
    • fn_export
  • docs: Update DESCRIPTION license

Released - 2021-01-19

  • tests: Add test for daily_depth_means

Released - 2020-12-27

  • docs: ReadMe, Add license badge
  • docs: ReadMe, Add CodeFactor badge
  • docs: ReadMe, Add lifecycle badge
  • docs: ReadMe, Add maintenance badge
  • docs: ReadMe, Add issues badge
  • docs: ReadMe, Add release badge
  • docs: ReadMe, Add download badge
  • docs: ReadMe, Add codecov badge
  • ci: Add GitHub Action, CI
  • docs: ReadMe, Add CMD Check badge
  • ci: Add GitHub Action, pkgdown
  • docs: Remove docs folder from main branch
  • docs: GitHub redirect web page to gh-pages branch
  • ci: Add GitHub Action, test coverage
  • docs: ReadMe, rework md as rmd

Released - 2020-11-13 * server.R + Add inputs to sink. + Min days input wasn’t getting used. + Min days input to numeric. * stratification.R + Convert min_days to numeric as a QC check.

Released - 2020-11-13 * stratification.R + Add number of days to column name in output, Issue #3. * check + Add and declare packages for functions in DESCRIPTION and code.

Released - 2020-11-10

  • Add package help file.

Released - 2020-10-27

  • Shiny, ui.R
    • Update version number in header.

Released - 2020-10-27

  • Shiny, server.R
    • Add error checking for column names and upload files, Issue #1

Released - 2020-10-26

  • Update Shiny app.
  • Add example files for Shiny app.

Released - 2020-10-22

    • Fix typo in install_github example code.
  • Add function export_rLakeAnalyzer
    • Convert data frame to rLakeAnalyzer input format.
    • Imports: reshape2
    • Suggests: rLakeAnalyzer and ggplot2
  • Data.R
    • Add lakehypso

Released - 2020-10-22

  • Add Shiny app.
    • File upload only.
  • runShiny.R
    • Add function to run shiny app.

Released - 2020-10-20

  • Interim version.
    • Both functions fully operational.
  • Update pkgdown.

Released - 2020-10-20

  • Remove docs (pkgdown) from gitignore

Released - 2020-10-20

  • Add pkgdown documentation.

Released - 2020-10-20

  • Update data-raw and data with full records.
    • Use full raw data.
    • Zip raw data file.
  • Update data.R

Released - 2020-10-19

  • Add stratification function.

Released - 2020-10-19

  • Update daily_depth_means function.
  • Add data file, laketemp_ddm (output of daily_depth_means function).

Released - 2020-10-16

  • Add laketemp data
  • Add functions.
    • daily_depth_means
    • lake_strat

Released - 2020-10-16

  • Initial commit to GitHub