To install the current version of the code from GitHub use the example below.
if(!require(remotes)){install.packages("remotes")} #install if needed
The vignette (big help file) isn’t created when installing from GitHub with the above command. If you want the vignette download the compressed file from GitHub and install from that file or install with the command below. The “force = TRUE” command is used to ensure the package will install over and existing install of the same version (e.g., the same version without the vignettes).
if(!require(remotes)){install.packages("remotes")} #install if needed
remotes::install_github("leppott/LakeMonitoR", force = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE)
A Shiny app is included in the package.
The online version is hosted at
The Shiny app can be run from R console using the shiny package without installing the LakeMonitoR package.
shiny::runGitHub(repo = "LakeMonitoR"
, username = "leppott"
, ref = "main"
, subdir = "inst/shiny-examples/LakeMonitoR")