Generates a plot of measurements from depth profile data
lab_datetime = NA,
lab_depth = NA,
lab_measure = NA,
lab_title = NA
data frame of site id (optional), date/time, depth , and measurement (e.g., temperature).
Column name, Date Time
Column name, Depth
Column name, measurement for plotting
Plot label for x-axis, Default = col_datetime
Plot label for legend, Default = col_depth
Plot label for y-axis, Default = col_measure
Plot title, Default = NA
a ggplot object
Can be used with any parameter. A plot is returned that can be saved with ggsave(filename).
Labels (and title) are function input parameters. If they are not used the plot will not be modified.
The default theme is black and white.
The returned object is a ggplot object so it can be further manipulated.
# Data (Test Lake)
data <- laketest
# Column Names
col_datetime <- "Date.Time"
col_depth <- "Depth"
col_measure <- "temp_F"
# Plot Labels
lab_datetime <- "Date Time"
lab_depth <- "Depth (m)"
lab_measure <- "Temperature (F)"
lab_title <- "Test Lake"
# Create Plot
p_profile <- plot_depth(data = data
, col_datetime = col_datetime
, col_depth = col_depth
, col_measure = col_measure
, lab_datetime = lab_datetime
, lab_depth = lab_depth
, lab_measure = lab_measure
, lab_title = lab_title)
# Print Plot
# Demo ability to tweak the plot
p_profile + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 65
, linetype = "dashed"
, color = "red") +
ggplot2::labs(caption = "Red dashed line = User defined value")
# save plot to temp directory
tempdir() # show the temp directory
#> [1] "/var/folders/24/8k48jl6d249_n_qfxwsl6xvm0000gn/T//Rtmp2bBrgJ"
ggplot2::ggsave(file.path(tempdir(), "TestLake_tempF_plotDepth.png"))
#> Saving 6.67 x 6.67 in image