Calculates daily means from depth profile data
daily_depth_means(data, col_siteid, col_datetime, col_depth, col_measure)
data frame of site id, data/time, depth, and measurement (e.g., temperature).
Column name, SiteID
Column name, Date and Time
Column name, Depth
Column name, measurement for calculation
data frame of daily means by depth
Interpolates at integer depths. Daily means with interpolation.
Utilizes the `xts` package.
# Packages
#> Loading required package: zoo
#> Attaching package: ‘zoo’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#> as.Date, as.Date.numeric
# Lake Data
data <- laketemp
# Filter by any QC fields
data <- data[data$FlagV == "P", ]
# name columns
col_siteid <- "SiteID"
col_datetime <- "Date_Time"
col_depth <- "Depth_m"
col_measure <- "Water_Temp_C"
# run function
data_ddm <- daily_depth_means(data
, col_siteid
, col_datetime
, col_depth
, col_measure)
# summary
#> Date Depth Measurement
#> Min. :2017-01-19 Min. : 2 Min. : 0.3707
#> 1st Qu.:2017-04-18 1st Qu.: 8 1st Qu.: 2.0038
#> Median :2017-07-16 Median :15 Median : 4.8166
#> Mean :2017-07-16 Mean :15 Mean : 6.1513
#> 3rd Qu.:2017-10-13 3rd Qu.:22 3rd Qu.: 8.5071
#> Max. :2018-01-10 Max. :28 Max. :22.0829